(Nerd Nite Chicago, número siete)

Thursday, July 21st
Villains Bar and Grill
8pm get yer beer & food & another beer
9pm the talks start

We have missed you! Your obsessive interests, your geeky charm, your problem drinking. Come back to us. Come to Mama Nerd Nite, she’ll treat you right.

Here’s how she’ll treat you:

Unusual Disasters

Laura Lanford

We’re all aware of the destruction that tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes can wreak, but next Thursday you’ll learn about deadly natural disasters nobody saw coming. Your preparedness plan might cover Aliens to Zombies, but I’m willing to bet “Silent Gas Cloud of Death” isn’t in there. Share in my collection of the most interesting, odd disasters I’ve run across while researching emergency crises. You’ll never think of the phrase “slow as molasses” quite the same way again.

Laura Lanford is an instructor for the Chicago Community Emergency Response Team and a preparedness hobbyist. Ask her about the PAW (Post Apocalyptic World) after her second beer.

The Roseanneator

Jill Wolf

Do you ever find yourself looking for that ONE television show that will discuss it all? That ONE television show that doesn’t hide behind the difficult (and often funny) issues that our society just doesn’t want to talk about? You know what I am referring to: death, masturbation, feminism, sex, politics, domestic violence and even drugs (OMG!). Well look no further (or look back ‘cause the show is only on re-runs now)…ROSEANNE! Come laugh at things that you shouldn’t (but are funny) and learn why Roseanne is/was the BEST show on television!

Jill Wolf is a social worker, loves to play the drums, listen to music, cuddle with her cats, play sports, read, spend time with her family and watch, you guessed it, Roseanne over and over and over and over. Laugh with her, or at her!

The Cloud of Unknowing

Christian Vozar

Having nothing to do at all with weather, Clouds have been around for years as a technology implementation pattern for scalable resources. Recently, they have become more than something IT professionals use as mainstream culture is being introduced to the concept. As we hear about them more than ever confusion surrounds just what exactly is “the cloud.” Join us in a presentation about cloud technology and find out if you really can go “to the cloud!”

Christian Vozar is Director of Managed Services at CITYTECH, Inc. (http://www.citytechinc.com​/) and adjunct faculty at DePaul University teaching cloud computing infrastructure and operations. He is also a lover of opera and aged cocktails.

Be there AND be square!